Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Week 13: Robin Hood: Reading A

Reading A:
·         Robin Hood was a tall young man.
·         He was 15 and was very proper.
·         He went to dinner with the general and there were 15 foresters drinking alcohol.
·         He asked them for news.
·         There was a shooting match and he was ready with his bow.
·         They recommended that he was too young to participate.
·         Robin Hood bet them 20 marks that he would hit 100 and make a heart die.
·         They agreed to the bet.
·         He followed through and won the bet.
·         He also broke three of their ribs.
·         They told him that it was not right and he did it again.
·         He shot him through the head because he tried to fight it.
·         He killed them all and laughed when they were dead.
·         He went back to the woods.
·         The people of the town grabbed all the dead foresters and buried them in the churchyard.

·         When he was 20 he happened to meet Little John.
·         He was far from little and was swift with a blade.
·         He had someone keep watch while he wandered through the forest.
·         He told them that if he was beaten and couldn’t return he would blow his horn.
·         He shook hands with them and went on his way.
·         They met on a bridge and they went head to head with a bow and arrow until Robin warned him.
·         He picked up a staff to make it fairer.
·         They fought and then Robin said the battle was done.
·         His friends came to his rescue but he told them that this man shouldn’t be harmed. As long as he was to join their clan.
·         He had them create a feast.

·         Robin dressed him in green and gave him a bow.



Image result for robin hood

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