Thursday, November 30, 2017

Reading Notes: Europa's Fairy Book

Reading B:
There was a deer hunter who loved hunting deer.
He heard a loud sound that sounded like wings from a bird.
He was going to shoot it but it was seven maidens.
He stole one of their beautiful robes.
They spoke to the man and told him his fate will be.
Then they flew far away.
He said he would give it back if she married him.
They had kids.
One day her daughter was playing hide and seek and found the robe.
The mother ran away for good.

He went to go find her but no one knew where she went. 

         Europa's Fairy Book by Joseph Jacobs

           Image result for hunter

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Reading Notes: Europa's Fairy Tale book

Reading A:
·         There was a king long ago who had a son that was becoming of age.
·         His father hosted a ball in which his son would choose who he wants to marry out of all the girls in town.
·         There was a man who married a woman with two kids.
·         She only cared about her two kids and not the man’s daughter who was named cinder-maid.
·         The daughter was told to do all the housework and duties.
·         When the king announced the ball the girls were so excited, but they weren’t going to let the cinder-maid go.
·         She helped the other two get ready and then she sat and cried out by her mother’s grave.
·         A dress appeared and she was able to go to the ball.
·         The prince instantly fell in love and ignored all the other girls.
·         Once midnight hit she had to go home and ran far away.
·         The prince’s soldiers tried following but couldn’t find her in the mist.
·         The sisters came home and were so mad that this girl stole the spotlight.
·         There was a second ball and everything was the same.

·         This time the prince told the guards to put honey on the stair so her shoes would stick to it. 

         Europa's Fairy Book by Joseph Jacobs

          Image result for cinderella

Friday, November 17, 2017

Story: Robbie: Week Thirteen

In recent years there has been talk of a young boy running through the forests of Oregon. He has been seen everywhere from the coast to the Willamette forest and everything in between. The way they talked about this boy was less human-like and more like Sasquatch or Bigfoot. No one had any proof he existed other than the chaos that he left behind.
I am so rude, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Melody and I have grown up here in this small town of Bend. I am pretty quiet and tend to observe more than anything simply because I have been let down a lot in my life and so blending in is what I do best. I am fifteen now and am so happy to leave this state as soon as I walk across that stage.
Now enough of me back to Robbie. That’s what I have named him because everyone needs a name. I don’t think that Robbie has any parents and I have some pretty bad ones so I feel like we kind of connected on a different level that most people don’t.
The first time I saw him I was walking home from school just listening to my music minding my own business and there he was. He was running from someone’s backyard in such a panic that I didn’t quite know what to do. He looked at me and winked and from there I was hooked.
I needed to find out who he was and how I could be his best friend. I started with Google. Researching the strange boy that everyone talked about but never actually saw. I needed to find a way to his bubble and I would do whatever it took. Stay tuned for our next encounter…

Authors note:
                I chose to take a new track to Robin Hood. I thought by bringing it to this time period and making it from the eyes of a young girl, we could see a different perspective of who he is. I feel like sometimes Robin Hood isn’t looked at as a good guy and with her perspective, maybe I can fix his bad reputation.

                         Robin Hood - Francis James Child


 Image result for bend oregon forest fire

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Reading Notes: Robin Hood: Part B

Reading B:
·         Robin Hood told his crew that the bishop of Hereford was to come and they would kill his deer and they would feast.
·         Robin hood and his men dressed up like shepherds and fired at him as he went to meet them.
·         The bishop saw how brave they were for doing this with such a small amount of people.
·         The bishop tried to capture him but instead he blew his horn and ten of his men came out and in a row.
·         His crew wanted to cut off the bishop’s head.
·         He captured the bishop and made him come and drink.
·         Little John told the bishop that if he gave him his purse that he would let him go.
·         They got 300 pound and so they played music and took him back to the area where he could leave.

·         Robin told John to go and beg.
·         John agreed but was going all out for it.
·         Little John saw some other beggars and decided to keep them as a company.
·         He talked to them for a while and then beat them all and took their things.
·         He stole 300 pounds.

·         He brought it to Robin and they danced and sang. 

        Robin Hood - Francis James Child

           Image result for gold

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Week 13: Robin Hood: Reading A

Reading A:
·         Robin Hood was a tall young man.
·         He was 15 and was very proper.
·         He went to dinner with the general and there were 15 foresters drinking alcohol.
·         He asked them for news.
·         There was a shooting match and he was ready with his bow.
·         They recommended that he was too young to participate.
·         Robin Hood bet them 20 marks that he would hit 100 and make a heart die.
·         They agreed to the bet.
·         He followed through and won the bet.
·         He also broke three of their ribs.
·         They told him that it was not right and he did it again.
·         He shot him through the head because he tried to fight it.
·         He killed them all and laughed when they were dead.
·         He went back to the woods.
·         The people of the town grabbed all the dead foresters and buried them in the churchyard.

·         When he was 20 he happened to meet Little John.
·         He was far from little and was swift with a blade.
·         He had someone keep watch while he wandered through the forest.
·         He told them that if he was beaten and couldn’t return he would blow his horn.
·         He shook hands with them and went on his way.
·         They met on a bridge and they went head to head with a bow and arrow until Robin warned him.
·         He picked up a staff to make it fairer.
·         They fought and then Robin said the battle was done.
·         His friends came to his rescue but he told them that this man shouldn’t be harmed. As long as he was to join their clan.
·         He had them create a feast.

·         Robin dressed him in green and gave him a bow.



Image result for robin hood

Monday, November 13, 2017

Wikipedia Trail

For this assignment, I started with the term sleep because there was a post about sleep deprivation on our twitter feed. I learned the actual definition of sleep and also what your body does during this process. I then went on to the circadian clock which I had never heard of before. This term is pretty much describing an internal clock that is a hypothetical phase. From there I went on to clicking entrainment which is the study of chronobiology. I had no idea what either term is so it just made sense to then move onto chronobiology, which is the field of biology that examines periodic phenomena in living organisms. I feel like a lot fo these two pages went over my head, but it was interesting to learn and get a small amount of information on all of these pages.

Sleep - Circadian Clock - Entrainment - Chronobiology


Tech Tip: Canvas Mobile App

I had already had this app downloaded but I explored it a little more and found out some ways to edit my preferences. I used to get very annoyed when I would get a ton of notifications when discussions were due. Now it doesn't send me notifications except the ones I chose, such as grades, messages and a few other things. Overall this app is super helpful and I appreciate the accessibility.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Week 12 Planning Post: The Babes in the Wood

Planning Post:
  • ·         In the poem “Babes in the Wood” the author uses a lot of similar or the same words.
  • ·         Ex. Say-day, know, night-plight, dead-red, cried-died.
  • ·         The author gave did a good job at keeping the story on track and making the reader understand what was going on.
  • ·         Two poor children were taken on a Summer’s day.
  • ·         They were left in the woods.
  • ·         Every night they cried and they laid down and died.
  • ·         The birds brought leaves and put them on top of the children.
  • ·         They sang to them all day long.
  • ·         I thought this was an interesting story because normally you have happy ending with children stories, and this story is clearly not a happy ending for the children.
  • ·         I am also raking a children’s literature course and that is helping me understand this book even more. 
  • ·         I enjoy the descriptive words and comparison of the colors throughout the whole piece


       British and Celtic Research:
·         Celtic stories have been preserved through contemporary Roman and Christian sources.
·         The stories tend to be of ancestral mythologies and was writing during the middle ages.
·         The British side is a folk tradition that was developed over centuries.
·         Most common idea of British folk is Robin Hood.
·         This is largely connected and draws from Celtic Germanic and Christian sources.
·         Some common idea of folklore found in England is a black dog which represents the Devil or relating to Death.
·         Brownie is another one and it is related to a type of hob. They live in the houses and do tasks around the house to make sure it stays clean.
·         Dwarfs and elves are common topics in British literature. 


Overall I think I want to make a story about the children and do the poem justice. Instead of making it short I want to take the same descriptive words and vibrant coloring to make a full story about this two young kids that were taken too soon. 

Image result for kids in forest

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Reading Notes: The Nursery Rhymes: Reading B

Reading B:
·         John went to bed with his trousers on.

·         Dame has lost her shoe.
·         Master lost his stick.
·         The dame will dance without a shoe until the master finds his stick.
·         He found his fiddling stick!
·         The dame will dance while the master fiddles his stick.
·         She went to bed and scratched her head and never found her shoe.

·         Cat and the fiddle.
·         Cow jumped over the moon.
·         Dog laughed.

·         Pussycat is getting married.
·         Beer needs to be brewed and bread needs to be baked.
·         Don’t wait!

·         The cat is in the well.
·         Tommy put her in there.
·         The dog pulled her out.

·         Bad boy trying to drown the poor cat. 


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Reading Notes: The Nursery Rhyme Book: Part A

Reading A:
·         The man in the moon – he burnt his mouth on porridge.

·         Two poor children were taken on a Summer’s day.
·         They were left in the woods.
·         Every nigh the cried and they laid down and died.
·         The birds brought leaves and put them on top of the children.
·         They sang to them all day long.

·         There was a crooked man.
·         He bought a cat and the cat caught the mouse.

·         Simple Simon meta pie man.
·         Simon sked to try the pies and the man said show me your money first.
·         Simon didn’t have any.
·         He then went fishing to catch a whale and he only got water.

·         Jack and his brother.

·         There was a man and robbers came to rob him.  
·         He crept up the chimney and they thought they had him.
·         He got down on the other side and they couldn’t find him.
·         He ran 14 miles in 15 days and never looked behind him.

·         There was a fat man of Bombay who was smoking.
·         A bird called a snipe flew away with his pipe.

·         Tom the piper’s son stole a pig and ate it.

·         Bryan and his wife and her mother all went over the bridge together.
·         It was broken and they all fell in together.

·         There was a little guy with a gun.
·         His bullets were made of lead.
·         He went to the water and saw a duck.
·         He shot it and brought it home to his wife.
·         He had her cook the duck on a fire.

·         Three men went to sea in a bowl and it was not able to hold them.

·         Robin ate more meat then four men.
·         He ate cows and a butcher and a church and the priest and all the people.
·         He always complained that his stomach wasn’t full.



              Image result for bridge

Growth Mindset: Week 15

                                     CAT  I chose this one because it is so true. You must keep going to learn yoru skills and to grow a...