Sunday, December 3, 2017

Famous Last Words

I am going to take this week and reflect on how much I have gotten done in this class the last few weeks. With working and taking eighteen credits I have been a little behind in a couple of my classes and I am glad that I am able to finish this class with a decent grade. I am trying to finish up the class as quickly as possible and I feel like I am doing a decent job for as busy as my schedule is. I feel like especially these last couple weeks have been able to improve on my writing skills, as well as my commenting skills. I am excited to finish up the class here in these last few days and finish my last semester. Even though I am cutting it close I am so happy to finally graduate and say that I have a bachelors degree. This degree has taken longer then normal and it has had lots of almost giving ups to get here. I can’t believe it is finally here. I am so excited and thankful for everyone that has helped me get to where I am today. This class taught me how to step out of my comfort zone and how to be a more useful commenter on others writing. I am so glad that this chapter in my life is finished and I am now able to be stress free when it comes to school and now I can focus on working and being what I need to be. Thank you for teaching me as much as you did not only in this class, but also in general about life. I Feel like a genuinely got a good idea of others culture and I appreciate that. Thank you again, and hopefully I will continue to write creatively even after school is done.

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Growth Mindset: Week 15

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