Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Favorite Place

My Favorite place in the world is the place that I grew up. Bend, Oregon is a small town right in the middle of the state. It is a town based on outdoor activities and has a wide variety of weather throughout the year. We get four clear seasons with amazing winters for snow activities and a warm summer for long nights on the lake. I would love to live here again someday after I experience a little more of the world.


Bend, Oregon


  1. I am such a fan of Oregon also, Ace! We lived in Eugene when I was little, and on the weekends we could go see beautiful places like all along the coast and also Crater Lake. That was my first encounter with snow as a child too: very happy memories! ;-)

  2. Ace,
    Bend looks beautiful! I would love to live in a place with all four seasons! As much as I don't mind Oklahoma, I really miss actually having snow days and not 84 degree weather in February! The Pacific Northwest looks absolutely stunning, and it actually has a lot of job opportunites for me there in the future so I will have to check Bend out :)

  3. Ace, your hometown looks amazing and beautiful! I love winter because I love being cozy and warm in bed. I want to visit Bend one day after reading your post and see the picture. I miss all the snow, but it has not snow much in Oklahoma for the past winters. Therefore, I hope to be able to visit and explore Oregon one day! Thank you for sharing, Ace!


Growth Mindset: Week 15

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