Thursday, September 7, 2017

Reading Notes: Adam and Eve: Part B

Adam and Eve: Leaving the Garden: Reading B

·         On the 3rd day God planted the garden.
·         North of the garden is a sea of water.
·         The water provided a cleansing of the soul.
·         The smell/taste of the trees would also make him forget his transgression and so he was banned from the garden. It wasn’t cleansed it was just forgotten.
·         They went outside the garden and was not allowed back in.
·         He lived in a cave outside of the garden.  
·         They tried leaving the garden and they were stuck with fear.
·         They realized they were in such an amazing place that they took for granted.
·         God picked them up and told them to live.
·         God told Adam to live and then he and one other will come and get him when the time is right.
·         They saw the cherub who was guarding the gate of the garden and they were struck with fear.
·         The lord again picked them up and told them he would save them.
·         Spoke in tongues.
·         Adam cried until they died.
·         She prayed and was so sad because she had caused this.
·         She died out of sorrow.
·         He raised them both again. 


Image result for adam and eve

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