Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Reading Notes A: Bible Women

Bible Women:
·         Eve was Adams wife.
·         There was one rule, not to eat from one tree.
·         Adam named every creature and thing.
·         He created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs.
·         They were naked and not ashamed.
·         The snake came and was trying to convince the girl that she could eat from it.
·         She ate it and she gave some to her husband as well.
·         Both eyes were opened and they realized they were naked.
·         They hid from the Lord.
·         They were not saved by the Lord anymore and they were kicked from the garden.

·         Sarah was Abrahams wife.
·         She was told to prepare three meals.
·         Because Abraham did as they were told, God said he would give them a son.
·         They were both old.
·         She became pregnant with a son and they named him Isaac.

·         Hagar was Abram’s handmaid.
·         She became pregnant because his wife could not reproduce.
·         She then was despised by her.
·         She ran away from the house out of despair.
·         The Lord told her to return to the house.
            She will bear a son and he will be named Ishmael.


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