Bible Women:
Eve was Adams wife.
There was one rule, not to eat from one tree.
Adam named every creature and thing.
He created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs.
They were naked and not ashamed.
The snake came and was trying to convince the
girl that she could eat from it.
She ate it and she gave some to her husband as
Both eyes were opened and they realized they
were naked.
They hid from the Lord.
They were not saved by the Lord anymore and they
were kicked from the garden.
Sarah was Abrahams wife.
She was told to prepare three meals.
Because Abraham did as they were told, God said
he would give them a son.
They were both old.
She became pregnant with a son and they named
him Isaac.
Hagar was Abram’s handmaid.
She became pregnant because his wife could not
She then was despised by her.
She ran away from the house out of despair.
The Lord told her to return to the house.
She will bear a son and he will be named Ishmael.
She will bear a son and he will be named Ishmael.
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