Reading A:
· Lagoo was wise and old.
· He knew the secrets of the woods and fields and he also spoke the language of the animals.
· He lived outdoors.
· He also knew the stories told to him by his grandfather.
· The children were all a fan of him.
· He made necklaces for the girls and bow and arrows for the boys.
· He would also tell them stories.
· Winter was the best time for stories.
· He compared the wind two a person and said you could almost see him.
· A little girl asked if the wind could hurt them.
· He told her to have no fear. The fire will frighten him away.
· Tribe of fishermen in the North.
· The king of the cold land where no one could live in the winter.
· The king wished there was snow all year round.
· He was no match for the south wind.
· The south wind was always around Summer.
· Finally, the fishermen had to go south because the north wind was taking over for winter.
· The men tried to tell their diver that they needed to leave and he laughed at them.
· He had the idea to cut a hole in the ice and catch fish with a line instead of a net.
· They were amazed but still didn’t think he could last the cold and encouraged him to come with them.
· They left him and expected to never see him again.
· When they were gone he did everything his own way.
· He was walking home one day when the north wind spotted him.
· The wind decided he was going to knock his wigwam down and blow out his fire.
· Instead it made a blanket with the snow and warmed everything up.
· The north wind became furious.
· He made it in but was sweating because of the hot fire.
· Finally, the wind asked him to come outside and wrestle.
· The man won and the wind ran away.
· The kids knew not to interrupt Lagoo.
· A little girl asked him if the mountains were always there.
· He told her he wondered the same thing.
· He asked if they knew the story of the big rock.
· In the time where animals and humans lived together.
· There was nothing to fear in this area.
· All the wild animals were free and not caged up.
· The animals played with them and taught them how to do things including swimming.
· Some children were swimming for a long time and they got cold and tired and decided to hang out on a rock.
· They fell asleep.
· The rock started to grow and raise itself.
· Their family was searching for them and couldn’t find them.
· They asked the coyote and he offered to help.
· He smelt them and told them they were on the rock.
· No animal could help as of now because they couldn’t climb the rock.
· A worm asked if they could climb and try.
· The worm was able to make it and wake the kids up after a whole month.
· He helped them get down.
· Hunter with ten beautiful daughters.
· Many men came to court them.
· 9 were soon married and only one was left.
· The best was last.
· She had a spirit of her own.
· No one was good enough.
· She said even though they were all handsome she wanted what was inside to count more.
· She finally met a poor ugly man and she married him.
· He was a poet.
· He was the son of the king of the evening star.
· He grew beautiful and strong and youthful all while his wife was turning old and wrinkly.
· He told her how much he loved her and how that would not change.
· Her sisters grew jealous of her new good-looking husband.
· All of the people that made fun of him were turned into birds and out in a cage for him to keep.

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