Reading B:
· There was a poor man with a wife who begged for their food each day.
· There was a new leader.
· He went to the leader and he heard about a tree with ghosts in it.
· Last time someone went there at night their necks were wrung and they died.
· The leader said if anyone does this and cuts one of the branches off he would give him 30 acres of rent-free land.
· He decided to do it.
· When people heard they pitied him.
· His wife tried to convince him otherwise and he but he still went.
· He went to the tree and was stuck with fear.
· The brahman said he would go with him so he would have courage.
· The brahman convinced the ghosts to let him have the branch.
· They gave him a branch and he ran home.
· He got the 100 acres of land and became rich.
· The land was ready for harvest but he didn’t have the means to do it.
· He asked the brahman and he said he would take care of it as long as he brought sickles from the village men at night for him to use.
· He prepared and went to sleep.
· All the ghosts came together and they worked on it all through the night.
· It was all done by morning and everyone was shocked.
· He wanted to feed 1000 poor people with his crop.
· HE did and the brahman went up because he had done what he needed.
Bengal: The Story of a Brahmadaitya

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